Browser Load of Coolness
Welcome to Browser Load of Coolness. This site is the product of Pizzasgood. Pizzaswho, you ask? Well, the short answer is that I'm a hyperactive guy who likes a little bit of everything. I program, draw, snowboard, read, bike, camp, build computers, and make websites. I can even cook chicken cordon bleu in a campfire (yummy). This place is where I put any cool stuff I make, do, or find. It's also kind of a portfolio. If you feel like hiring me to do something, feel free to drop me a line. I could always use a little more dough. :)

These are the last 5 updates. To see the rest, visit the archive.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Trans rights are human rights. That should go without saying, but since my Nazi government is trying to erase their existence I figure it's important to be a bit more vocal about this. Trans people are fine, and we should support them. No, children are not being mutiliated or castrated; actually puberty blockers are safe and reversible, and no irreversable procedures are undertaken on children. No, trans atheletes aren't getting an unfair advantage; actually muscle mass is boosted by testosterone, not by the Y chromosome, and hormone replacement therapy takes care of that. No, trans people don't make bathrooms dangerous; actually, forcing trans men to use the women's room and trans women to use the men's room makes bathrooms dangerous (for both the trans people as well as the cis people who end up wrongly suspected of being trans by paranoid transphobes).

Don't fall for this divide-and-conquer Nazi bullshit. Trans people are not the ones refusing to give you fair pay, safe working conditions, and basic human dignity. Trans people are not the ones charging you thousands of dollars to ride an ambulance and tens or hundreds of thousands for basic medical procedures. Trans people are not the ones cheating you out of your health insurance. Trans people are not the ones who refuse to take care of our veterans. Trans people are not the ones jacking up your rent. Trans people are not the ones who destroyed local businesses and siphoned your community's wealth away into some megacorp shareholder's yacht fund. Trans people are not the enemy.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
I've removed "Pills" from the archive of poems I wrote in high school. It was written in large part due to an erroneous belief I once had that anxiety, depression, and ADHD were massively overdiagnosed and largely made-up problems. That has not been an accurate reflection of my beliefs in well over a decade, and I'd rather not have anti-medical trash on my website, so good riddance to bad rubbish.

It's been a long time since I've posted a chapter, but Wheels isn't dead. I lost a lot of motivation to work on it after my dad died several years ago, and then a couple years later COVID-19 happened and I grew uncomfortable with the parallels between the fictional fake epidemic used as a ruse for illegal human testing in my story and the IRL conspiracy theories about the very real pandemic that was killing millions around the world. I despise anti-vaxxers with every fiber of my being (even back when I was that ignorant anti-medical teenager who wrote "Pills", I was still staunchly pro-vaccination), so I had no interest in doing anything that might play into their disgusting lies. Now that it's been a few years I'm more comfortable with eventually publishing the story again, but I'm still debating changing that particular plot point in a future draft of the story (what I was posting here is just rough draft). Anyway, I'll probably resume writing Wheels soon, but I don't expect that I'll post any more chapters on here until I've reached the end of this first draft. So don't hold your breath, but I WILL finish and post this story someday. And then someday later I'll finish the many needed revisions and publish the thing as a proper ebook.
Friday, May 06, 2016
The first chapter of Wheels is now online! Yee-haw! That part of the site isn't really integrated with the rest at the moment (mainly because I'm intending to majorly overhaul this stuff), but it's working, I've provisionally set up Disqus powered comments, and now I really need to go eat some lunch. For those of you who don't like the yellow-on-black colorscheme, I do intend to add an option for black-on-white. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. For now, you'll just have to cope (worst case, you can always use your browser to override it).
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Don't you just hate it when somebody says, "Things are changing. I'm going to be super productive now!" and then they fall off the face of the earth for four years? Good thing it hasn't been four years yet; that's next week. :P Anyway, I've been busy doing the whole "start a project, get 10%-40% done, then drop it and start something new" routine. Which is getting old. So far there have been three games and a book. Well, anyway, that ends now. Okay, actually it ends next week. On Friday, May 6th, I will begin posting weekly chapters of the rough draft of a story I'm writing. I won't guarantee that I'll keep the updates weekly the whole way through, but I guarantee that the story will finish in a timely manner.

Now, I don't know if anybody actually still visits this dusty old site; I see no reason why they'd bother. So maybe nobody will be reading this update. But just in case, be warned that I'm probably going to be overhauling things in the near future and eliminating a lot of old content. There's a lot of stuff on here that I thought was pretty cool when I was 17 which is just embarrassing now. So, things may be strange, ugly, and broken over the next week, and I may or may not have everything fully operational again by the time I start posting my story on the 6th. Most of my time is being eaten by actually writing.
Tuesday, May 5, 2012
Not much happened since the last post. That will be changing. I'd been working two jobs for the last year so that I could pay off my loans and build up a safety buffer. Well, I've done that, and now I quit the second job so I can spend 20+ hours a week on game development. Today was my first day of the new schedule. I spent the freed up time transferring this site to a new host, because the one I've been using has been annoying lately. Unfortunately the process of moving my site (and two unrelated forums I run) took a lot longer than I expected, so I haven't really manage to get any actual game development done. There are still a few hours left in this day, so after I make some supper I'll get on it. :) As for what exactly I'm making, I'll talk more about that in another post, once I actually have something to show. I will say that this first game is going to be single-player, probably not extremely deep, and is totally unrelated to that "Void" deal I was working on last summer. (Still intend to continue working on that eventually, and perhaps as a change of pace when I get bored with this one.)

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